الأحد، 2 يناير 2011

Activity Internet Marketing Report


When you need to get a contact phone number for a company, sometimes it takes a while to get to the right page. Bing will give you the number right on the search results page. No need to even visit the website. If you want a preview of a web page without having to visit the website, Bing shows you the information, just scrolled over the desired search result and a preview box will appear. The text will give a short description of the web page, and shows what other links appear on the page.

Google offers Advanced News Search, allows a visitor to scour headlines by date, location, exact phrases or publication. People can use it retrieve articles from more than 4,500 news outlets publishing on the Web. Check out Googles official guidelines for quality listings. They offer a re-inclusion request option that will give your business an opportunity to appeal if a listing is removed too. In some other Google-related news that online businesses and business with websites might be interested in, they have introduced a new Sitemap Generator. Google is planning to include website load time as one of the Ranking factor in algorithm in 2010. This is not a done deal, but it could be a good idea to check your load speed.

This feature is particularly helpful if your search has non-English results. Google offers a facility to auto-martially translate a page for you in English. Currently, Google supports Italian, French, Spanish, German, and Portuguese.

For the best information for your site or to check your competitors for persons who use Google AdWords, try out the Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

False and Misleading Advertising What's truthful?
The FTC has attempted to deal with this question by establishing the following standards: The intention to deceive is not what matters. What matters is the perception of the public. The test of whether or not an ad is misleading will be based on the effect on the average or unsophisticated person. Your advertising may also be deemed deceptive through omission or misleading implications. The bottom-line, just the facts.

 If you are looking for something different remember windows has a great choice. Don't unload any free ones from anywhere, could have bugs, and almost impossible to delete. For windows screen savers, right click on a blank area of desktop. Click "properties", "screen savers". Click the arrow to the right of "screen savers" just below the
monitor. Pick the one you want.

A teacher was getting to know the kids in her class by asking them what their father did for a living. The first kid she asked said: “ My name is John and my dad is a truck driver.” The next child she asked said: “My name is Bill and my dad is a striptease dancer.” The teacher quickly changed the subject.

Later, the teacher approached Bill privately and asked him if it was true that his father was a strip tease dancer and danced in the nude. Bill blushed and said: “No, he really is Information Director at Microsoft, but I am to embarrassed to tell anyone”. 

Security company McAfee has prepared its predictions for hacker threats in 2010. It forecasts a troubling year for Adobe software, which McAfee believes will be heavily targeted in 2010. Nearly every PC and Mac in the world seems to have a copy of Adobe Reader, a necessary tool for reading portable document format files. The prediction is not particularly surprising. Adobe itself admitted in early 2009 that it had seen attacks on its applications climb steadily in recent years. Still, it's not just Adobe and its many users that will need to be wary in 2010. Also steadily rising in popularity are social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

The tip on unplugging your computer from the wall outlet during a thunderstorm was sound advice. And we're coming to the season when thunderstorms become more frequent. But let's take that advice one small step further. Take the time to also unplug your modem from the telephone line! Surges can also pass through the telephone lines and even a small surge of static electricity can fry the delicate circuitry in your modem.

Your Clipboard can be seen by any hacker. For your protection you should not copy passwords, credit card numbers or other sensitive information. To prevent this from happening go to: Internet Explorer: Click Tools, Internet Options, Security tab, Internet section. Go down to the Security level box, and click the Custom Level button. Scroll down to Scripting, and find the entry, "Allow Programmatic clipboard access" or "Allow paste operations via script". Click Disable or Prompt. Click OK.

Protecting your computer against malicious software is an ongoing activity and, at minimum, all computer systems need to be regularly patched, have up to date anti-virus software, and a personal firewall installed. Within the last several months, the FBI has seen a significant increase in fraud involving the exploitation of valid online banking credentials belonging to small and medium businesses, municipal governments, and school districts. In a typical scenario, the targeted entity receives a phishing" email, which either contains an infected attachment, or directs the recipient to an infected web site. Once the recipient opens the attachment or visits the web site, malware is installed on their computer. The malware contains a key logger, which will harvest the recipients business or corporate bank account login information. Shortly thereafter, the perpetrator either creates another user account with the stolen login information, or directly initiates funds transfers by masquerading as the legitimate user.

You can make a difference—and help protect your own systems at home and at the office—by taking these basic steps: Change your security passwords regularly, have a firewall in place on your computer, get the latest anti-virus software, and install current security patches for your computer’s operating system. Also, take time to visit the FBI’s cyber web page to learn more about how our cyber action teams, computer crimes task forces, Innocent Images program, and Internet Crime Complaint Centre are playing vital roles in protecting cyberspace. Can you avoid getting caught by a scam artist working the web? Not always. But prudence pays.

The FTC offers these tips to help you avoid getting caught by an offer that just may not click; Read the fine print and all relevant links.
Fraudulent promoters sometimes bury the disclosures they're not anxious to share by putting them in teeny-tiny type or in a place where you're unlikely see them. Look for a privacy policy. If you don't see one - or if you can't understand it - consider taking your business elsewhere. Be sceptical of any company that doesn't clearly state its name, street address and telephone number. The

FTC has publicly Announced Its Newly Developed Cross-Border Fraud Guidelines. The FTC has joined with Hundreds of International Law Enforcement agencies around the world to form a combined force and aggressively combat what they see as the growing problem of 'Cross-Border Fraud'. This combined force has vowed to enforce the FTC”s Rules and Regulations on a world wide basis. They have really cracked down on Internet marketers, and actively going after those that don't rigidly adhere to all their rules about disclosures disclaimers, terms of use, privacy and other legal documentation! They filed 45 criminal and civil law enforcement actions against Internet Marketers, in a single day. Government agencies do not send unsolicited e-mails of this nature.

The FBI, Department of Justice, and other United States government executives are briefed on numerous investigations, but do not personally contact consumers regarding such matters. In addition, United States government agencies use the legal process to contact individuals. These agencies do not send threatening letters/e-mails to consumers demanding payments for Internet crimes.

Fake eCards.
You get a message with a link to an online greeting card but, when you click it, you end up with a virus on your PC. A couple of simple rules here. Delete any messages that come from someone you don't know or that don't address you by name. If they come from someone you know, email that person to check that they sent it before clicking the link. Holiday rentals. 2009 has seen a surge in ads offering bogus vacation rentals. You pay a deposit or even in full to get a key and that's the last you hear of them. Scammers are experts at creating phoney look-alike sites where you land after mistyping an address or by clicking on a link supplied in the e mail or ad. Always type in the URL and don’t just click on the link.

You can get products to sell via eBay or/and your website by using the services of a drop shipper. A reliable drop shipper will not ask you for a fee. They will allow you to copy pictures of the products they sell. Prices are about half you would pay for retail. If you have a website they will allow you to move any listing on their site to yours. You set your price on the product/s you transfer. When an order comes in place the order they will ship it out for you under your shipping label and not include any of their material. A good way to promote is join as an affiliate, transfer a couple specials onto your site, with a link back to your affiliate page. The cost of setting up a web site is minimum.Check out my website archive for drop ship

The Author of this article is not responsible for accuracy or completeness nor shall he be held liable for any damage or loss arising out of or in any way related to the information or utilization of it.

Article Source: Bruce Chambers sold his printing, publishing, mail order business and retired in 1980. He came on the Internet in 2003. He researched for 1 year, and then started a free monthly Internet marketing report, plus free monthly recipes, bar mixes, tips newsletters. At present he resells from his website. You can subscribe to either or both free newsletters by going to his web site. Please visit:http://www.cbestbuys.com/

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