الاثنين، 3 يناير 2011

Revealed! Information on Dealing With an IRS Audit

An IRS audit is a harrowing experience for most people who have been through it and one of the reasons for this is the stark ignorance that most people carry about their rights in an IRS audit. Fortunately, the IRS is bound by this information and even if you don't know them the IRS is still expected to respect them. One of the most important right that you have as a tax payer is to get all the information about what the IRS is doing in and what is about to happen in the audit procedure. The IRS owes you a complete explanation so do not hesitate to ask for it. You also have the right to seek advice from an accountant or a tax attorney like in the case of legal proceedings alternatively you can also have these professionals represent you. 

You have the right to claim any deductions that were not granted to you and that you are eligible for on your original tax return. If you are facing problems with your IRS agent you can also file a request with the national office of the IRS to notify them of your problem. When dealing with the IRS, your rights can be one of the most potent weapons in your arsenal; these rights ensure that you are treated fairly by the IRS auditor. 

Now let's talk about what you should do when you receive an IRS audit notification. These flowing steps will help you to gain edge over another tax payer ho does not know how to handle an IRS audit. 

If you think you need time to jog your memory about your tax records and why they were accomplished in a certain way or if you need some time to collect the necessary documents to support your case you can ask for a postponement of your audit. It is best to tread into this field well prepared so take some time if you need it. 

When you are going through an IRS audit it is crucial to read IRS Publication 1. This booklet is the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights and it will give you in depth information on what the US government provides its tax payers. 

Another important step to take care of during an IRS tax audit is to meet the counsel; you should do this even if you are being represented by a tax attorney or an accountant. This will help you to come up with strategies to deal with the various points that the IRS auditor is bound to brig up. 

You will be asked to bring certain documents by the IRS auditors it is imperative that you only carry the specified documents; carrying additional material may lead to bigger hassles. Remember even though you are not intentionally trying to conceal any information; there is certainly no need to furnish more details to the auditor than what are required to provide according to the audit notice. Providing additional information will be an open invitation to the auditor to probe further and you certainly don't want this. Let him/her be content with the information that they planned on delving in. 

Finally, like all other IRS related issues being prepared is the best way to handle an IRS audit tactfully and quickly. Ensure that you have all the relevant documents needed to support all the claims made in your tax returns. 

If you think that the matter is to complex for you to handle, you can always get in touch with a Dallas tax attorney if you live in Dallas/ Fortworth. On a concluding note, things may sometimes get heated up but threatening to punch the auditor or bad mouthing him will land you in more trouble o be professional. Do not lie because this can have grave implications and may IRS mega issues can be dealt with easily by simply telling the truth. So if you have received an IRS tax audit notice start preparing right away.

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